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Cornet Blond Oaked Tripel

Cornet Blond Oaked Tripel

€2,64Inkl. MwSt.
Auf Lager

Cornet Blond Oaked 33Cl
Brewery : Palm Breweries
Volume : 33Cl
Alcohol : 8.5%
Fermentation : Top Fermentation
Colour : Blond Lesen Sie mehr..

Heute Betellt - Morgen Versandt *




Product Description

Cornet Blond Oaked

  • Brewery : Palm Breweries
  • Volume : 33Cl
  • Alcohol : 8.5%
  • Fermentation : Top Fermentation
  • Colour : Blond

Mehr über dieses Cornet Blond Oaked

This knightly blond beer has a nice full and warm taste supplemented with a nice vanilla touch, created by the addition of oak wood chips during the brewing process. You can enjoy a long aftertaste with a soft bitterness.

The history of the PALM brewery dates back to 1525. It started with a hofstede (farm) that would later be called 'De Hoorn'. In 1747, the first 'official' signs of brewing activity are in Steenhuffel. De Hoorn Brewery is owned by Jean-Baptiste De Mesmaecker. His great-granddaughter married Arthur Van Roy in 1908
This Arthur Van Roy will give new impulses to beer production. During the rise of pilsner beers, he sticks to his traditional top-fermented beer, giving priority to the uniqueness of his regional beer, above the potential growth opportunities of pilsner beer.
In the First World War, the brewery was completely destroyed. Arthur Van Roy rebuilds them and makes them bigger. He believes that with his top-fermented beer he can also achieve success beyond the village limits. In 1929 he gives 'the Steenhuffel beer' the brand name: 'Speciale Palm', Speciale referring to the beer style 'Special Belge' and Palm as a sign of the victory of top fermentation beer over the increasingly popular lager.
In 1974 Jan Toye, nephew of Fred Van Roy, took over the management of the company. In 1975, the name of Brouwerij De Hoorn changed to Brouwerij Palm.
Since 1998, the Palm brewery has also owned the Rodenbach brewery and, since 2001, the De Gouden Boom brewery. In May 2016, the Dutch Bavaria Brouwerij Palm bought Belgian Craft Brewers.

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Cornet Blond Oaked ist auch passend beim Essen, im Speziellen während der Weihnachtszeit. Neben Cornet Blond Oaked Belgian Beer Factory hat noch 1400 sorten belgisches Bier und ähnliche Erzeugnisse.

Belgian Beer Factory schickt schon mehr als 8 Jahren der Pakete fuer die Nutzer in ganz Europa. Hier achten wir auf eine breite Palette von Produkten, niedrige Preise und niedrige Versandkosten. Dies gilt auch fur dieses Produkt.

Zum Wohl! Und wir wunschen Ihnen viel Vergnuegen mit Cornet Blond Oaked


Jose DíazVeröffentlicht am 11 März 2019 at 10:56

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Cornet Blond Oaked Tripel

1 Bewertung
Jose DíazVeröffentlicht am 11 März 2019 at 10:56

Dos cajas

Review Cornet Blond Oaked Tripel

Cornet Blond Oaked 33Cl
Brewery : Palm Breweries
Volume : 33Cl
Alcohol : 8.5%
Fermentation : ..

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